I began teaching traditional Usui Reiki in September of 2010, at my home on the Sunshine Coast of Queensland. Having never taught before, I wanted to start of small, and I only allowed a maximum of ten people to be a part of the workshop, as well as me offering the course for a minimal fee. This allowed me to ‘test the waters’ so-to-speak, to see if I enjoyed sharing my love of Reiki with others. I was pleasantly surprised to find that I was a natural, and that everybody seemed to enjoy my teaching style. I created a relaxed environment, and one where people could speak openly about anything that they chose to, and this amounted to all of us learning from one another throughout the course of the weekend. I often used humour and witty banter to make people laugh, as I found that my cheeky sense of humour helped people to let down their guards, and feel comfortable in the group setting. Over the course of the Level 1 workshop, I taught people the Usui Reiki hand positions so that they could perform healing on another person, as well as providing them with self-healing techniques also so that they could work on themselves whenever they chose to. My Reiki Level 2 workshops taught people how to perform distant healings, so that my students could work remotely to help other people who were either overseas or in another place to where they were situated. My Reiki Level 3 (or Masters) course taught people how to do house and land clearings with distant healing-like processes, as well as me also showing those students how to be a teacher themselves, by sharing many helpful hints that I had learnt over the years. I taught all levels of Reiki at both the Sunshine Coast, as well as me travelling to Perth Western Australia to run workshops there as well. I did this until December of 2012, as I had recently completed the channelling of the First Series symbols of the Sacred Symbols of the Stars, which is a sacred geometry-based healing tool that I created to enhance peoples ability to heal.

After teaching traditional Usui Reiki for a couple of years, I decided that I wanted to add my sacred geometry creations into the mix, as I had been personally working with these energies, and found them to be a powerful asset to any healing that I did. I was never someone who really worked with the Reiki symbols, despite me performing hundreds of healings since the time of me learning Reiki when I was 19 years old. So, when my sacred geometry symbols came through, I began using them in a multitude of different ways, and it became apparent to me that I should include them in what I was teaching people about healing, so that they could learn about the magic of the Sacred Symbols of the Stars. This is when Galactic Reiki was born. I would use my sacred geometry throughout the attunement processes, as well as me showing my students how to interpret information for their healing clients by them picking symbols for them, and either sharing the information provided in the manual, or intuiting the information themselves. This was a fun process, as many students suddenly realised how in-tune they were, as the symbols gave them confidence to be empowered. Each student was given a set of the First Series symbols, as well as them having the meanings of each one within their workshop manual. They were told the possible reasons for why that symbol could have been chosen for their healing client, and this added a whole new dimension to the healings that we were offering people. Galactic Reiki 1 introduced the students to the symbols, as well as them learning hands-on healing techniques that could be used on both themselves and other people. They were also shown how to interpret messages for their clients at the beginning of a healing session, so as to find out the ‘theme’ of what they would be clearing that day. Galactic Reiki 2 expanded on the first level, and it taught students how to do distant healings using the Sacred Symbols of the Stars. As well as them learning how to use the distant healing image that was provided to each student that depicted their client being grounded and protected before the healing began. Galactic Reiki 3 (or Masters) was once again a course that utilised the Sacred Symbols of the Stars as a tool to enhance energy and provide feedback about the possible issues that the healing recipient was dealing with. It was also a course where the students were taught house and land clearings, using my sacred geometry creations; as well as each person being shown how to run their own Galactic Reiki workshops should they choose to become teachers themselves. Each of the Galactic Reiki workshop manuals had grounding and protection techniques that I had personally channelled, as well as a wealth of information that was not shared in my traditional Reiki courses. I began teaching Galactic Reiki in December of 2012, and shared it with students in a range of locations on the Sunshine Coast, Sydney and Perth, until my final workshop at my home in Valdora in March 2016.

This advanced healing workshop was something that I created after both the First and Second Series symbols had come through, as well as their accompanying meditation workshops. This course was only available to my students who had completed both the Sacred Symbols of the Stars 1 & 2 workshops, as this was something that I was guided to do at the time. Each student was shown a range of brand-new healing techniques that I had channelled, as well as connection processes that allowed chi to enter the body. They were taught how to harmonise the body, and it was a wonderful healing experience for all of us involved. Students were once again encouraged to use the Sacred Symbols of the Stars healing geometries to interpret information for their healing clients, before performing the techniques provided to them. They were shown unique grounding and protection techniques to do over their clients to begin the healing, as well as several processes to enhance the overall flow of the body. This course also showed students how to do my much-loved ‘Removal Process,’ so that they could clear things like entities and low vibration energy formations. They were shown how to do this process on both themselves, as well as their healing clients. Students learnt my new house and land clearing technique using the Sacred Symbols of the Stars, as well as us doing a range of channelled meditations over the course of the weekend. I only ever taught three of these advanced healing workshops, one in Queensland and one in Perth, and then the third was actually a reunion weekend where I gathered previous students from Queensland to go over the course content again, once I returned to living on the Sunshine Coast. I taught Starlight Healing in January of 2014 in Queensland, then again in Perth in August of 2015, while the reunion weekend took place on the Sunshine Coast in July of 2016 shortly before I gave up teaching. To date, Starlight Healing is still one of my favourite teaching experiences.